Sunday, December 22, 2024
God’s Gifts for Us This Christmas
Matthew 1:18-25
3 Demonstrations of Love in the Christmas Story
- Joseph’s love for ___________________
- Joseph’s love for ___________________
- God’s love for ______________________
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(no YouTube video this week)
Sunday, December 8, 2024
God’s Gifts for Us This Christmas
John 14:27
1. The _________________ of Peace
2. The _________________ of Peace
3. The _________________ of Peace
4. The _________________ of Peace
For the week of December 8, 2024
(Questions and Scriptures for further study)
- Do you tend to worry? What about?
- What exceptions do you usually make for your worries?
- Is anything wrong if we do worry? How do you know?
- Do you believe God’s peace can really be obtained?
- Read Philippians 4:2-7. What are the four areas Paul highlights Christ’s transforming influence in verses 4:2-7?
- Do you think worry is a problem in our society?
- Do most of God’s people experience God’s great and glorious peace? Why or why not?
- How do you personally respond to this challenge, “Be anxious for nothing?” Do you think that includes very difficult times? Isn’t worry natural?
- Re-read Philippians 4:6. Take a close look at verse 6. Do you think there is any place for worries? Why or why not? What does the passage say?
- Why does Jesus say the reason for worry is our little faith? (Refer to “O men of little faith” (Matthew 6:30).
- What is worry? Try writing a definition. Does this definition work? Worry is the preoccupation of life without taking God’s constant love and power into consideration.
- What are the references to prayer in verse 6?
- How is prayer different from supplication?
- Why is it that God hears our requests?
- How does thanksgiving fit into making our supplications? Have you done that? Is it easy or hard for you?
- Read Philippians 4:7. How can we best describe God’s peace? Name four aspects of God’s peace from this verse.
- What personal needs has the Holy Spirit exposed during this study? How can we pray with you about those needs? Consider memorizing
John 14:27.
Pastor Jake Presley
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