Proposed Summer Kid’s Program 2011
Name: Creation Observation
Who: Kids who are entering kindergarten through eighth grade, our available teenagers will serve as helpers. Children from the Good News Club will be welcome, as well as friends and guests of our own Church kids. We will need adults and teens from our Church to serve as helpers.
What: A science and scripture based learning time for kids. Subjects will include seeds & plants, water, air, bugs, birds, coast,
When: Weekly, perhaps Tuesday mornings, for about seven of the 10 available weeks of summer. The last week of July is Vacation Bible Adventure, so is not available.
Where: On our beautiful church property, with field trips to the Bay Bridge, Interpretive Center, Local Beaches to see the harbor seals and to explore for treasures.
Why: Our children need and deserve extra church activities. This is for the purpose of pointing to God in His creation, and to give Him glory by enjoying what He has made. The other benefit is to maintain reading and other academic skills during the summer when school is not in sessions. Also, to help develop relationships and friendships among the believing kids in our community.
How: This will be very home-spun and simple by design. We will look at variety of scripture for each area of study, have a science experiment or activity, keep a journal of our findings, watch some short Moody Bible Institute science videos (and others), go on explorations for certain things to observe and investigate, play outside games (weather permitting) and provide a healthy snack for all participants.