From September through March we offer a Tuesday after school time for kids (3:45-4:45 pm) through Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF).  When CEF finished their “season” this year, we decided we would like to continue offering a Bible Teaching, Stories & Skits, and Activities and Snacks, as well as Help with Schoolwork, and so we are continuing to offer this time, actually a little more, from 3:45-5:00 pm on Tuesdays.

We also wanted to create an opportunity for our teenagers who attend the Church,  to be able to lead and serve (under the supervision of adult church members); and so, we are initiating our TILT Program (Teens In Leadership Training), providing our teenagers the opportunity to serve the younger kids in this way.

And so, this is a win-win situation, with our teenagers getting experience and opportunity to serve, while the younger kids receive help with schoolwork, teachings from the Bible, healthy snacks,  and fun activities in a safe and supervised environment.

Tuesdays, 3:45 – 5:00 p.m.,  April through the end of the school year.

Questions?  Call Nancy Hale at 541-272-2694.