03-08-2020 – The Valley of Doubts
Bible Text: Mark 9:14-27 | Pastor: Jim Shepherd |
Doubts found throughout the Bible. (Genesis, Ecclesiastes, Lamentations, 1 & 2 Samuel …)
If I believe, why do I still doubt? Can Christians have doubts?
Apostles had absolute knowledge. They were there and saw it all.
Christians have to walk by faith. We take what God’s Word says by faith.
Three kinds of doubts:
Intellectual: comes from outside the church (secular, Is there a God or resurrection?)
Spiritual: inside the church (Am I saved?) (remedy is prayer, God’s Word, Godly counsel)
Circumstances: (Why am I sick, lost my spouse, child…) (remedy is persistent prayer)
We will look at how Jesus teaches a lesson about doubt.
Nature of Doubt:
Is doubt opposite of faith?
Is doubt unforgivable?
Is struggle with God a lack of faith?
We need to stick with our core beliefs found in God’s Word.
Father with a Demon Possessed Son: Mark 9:14-27
Mark 9:14-15 – The world is in the grip of Satan. (mocking the disciples)
Mark 9:16-18 – The dad of the demon possessed son. The disciples can’t drive out the demon.
Mark 9:19 – Who is Jesus upset at? (the disciples faith has eroded)
Mark 9:20 – Demons know who the Son of God is and fear.
Cross Reference: (Legion) Mark 5:1-20 and Luke 8:26-39 (Jim did sermon 2 years ago)
Mark 9:21-22 – The length of this boy’s demon possession
Mark 9:23 – We need to approach our problems with faith rather than hopelessness & doubt.
Mark 9:24 – The father says to Jesus, “I believe.”
Mark 9:25-27 – Jesus heals the boy completely. Jesus rebukes the disciples for lack of faith.
The Church’s Response to Doubters: “Doubter’s Welcome”
If you have questions, doubts, uncertainty, a skeptic or searching for the truth, come inside.
Doubt is often the prelude to a deeper faith.
Five Ways to Move From Doubt to Faith:
Admit your doubts and honestly ask God for help. He can handle your doubts.
Borrow someone else’s faith. (ask)
Act on your faith and not your doubts. (examples: Noah, Abraham, Joshua, David, Daniel)
Doubt your doubts not your faith. (see Psalm 23:1-6)
Keep going back to what you know to be true.
Don’t doubt God or His love for you. (See what Paul writes in Romans 8:38-39)
I choose to believe that Jesus is the only way to heaven. There is no plan B.
The great thing is that Jesus takes you just as you are.
The hymn “Just As I Am” in the last verse is the gospel promise.
“Just as I am, thou will receive, will welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve;
Because thy promise I believe, O Lamb of God, I come, I come.”
God never turns an honest doubter away.
Come with your doubts, skepticism, unbelief, hard questions, uncertainties.
Doubt is not a sin. It’s what you do with your doubt that makes all the difference.
Come to Jesus just as you are.
Jim Shepherd